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Is a 1400 SAT score competitive for Ivy League admissions?

Hey everyone, I took the SAT and got a 1400. I plan on applying to some Ivy League schools, but I'm unsure if my score is competitive enough. Should I try to improve my score or is a 1400 considered good enough for Ivy League admissions?

a year ago

Congrats on your 1400 SAT score! That is an impressive accomplishment. While a 1400 is a good score, it's important to be aware that Ivy League schools have some of the highest average SAT scores among universities. Typically, these schools look for applicants with scores in the 1450-1600 range.

However, don't be discouraged! The admissions process is holistic and takes more than just your SAT scores into account. Focus on showcasing your strengths in other areas, such as your GPA, extracurriculars, essays, and letters of recommendation.

If you have time before your application deadlines, it's worth considering studying and retaking the SAT to see if you can improve your score. Keep in mind that many top-tier schools also look at your growth and commitment, so showing improvement could be an advantage. Best of luck!

a year ago

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