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Will only playing one varsity sport hurt my chances at Ivy League schools?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior who plays soccer at the varsity level and I'm really passionate about it. However, I'm concerned that only playing one sport will hurt my chances of getting into an Ivy League. Should I try to pick up another varsity sport or focus on showcasing my dedication to soccer? Thanks for any advice!

a year ago

Hi! It's great to hear that you're passionate about soccer and playing at the varsity level! When it comes to Ivy League admissions, they typically look for students with strong academic and extracurricular backgrounds who have one or a few particular strengths that stand out.

This means you don't necessarily have to participate in multiple sports. Admissions officers appreciate students who are passionate and dedicated to their interests, whether it be one sport or several. Instead of adding another varsity sport just for the sake of diversifying, I would suggest focusing on showcasing your dedication to soccer.

Perhaps you could take on leadership roles within your team or get involved with community soccer programs as a coach or mentor. These experiences can demonstrate your passion for soccer while also showcasing your commitment, leadership skills, and impact.

Remember, it's about the quality of your involvement rather than the quantity of activities. Good luck with your college applications!

a year ago

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