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Do colleges know if you're using the same essay for multiple applications?

Hey everyone, I'm working on my college essays right now, and I was just wondering if admissions officers can tell if you're recycling the same essay for different schools. I found that one of my essays would work well for several prompts, and I would just make minor adjustments. What do you think? Would this be frowned upon?

a year ago

Hey there! It's pretty common for students to re-purpose their essays for multiple colleges, as long as they are addressing the specific prompt of each application. While admissions officers might not be able to tell whether a student has used the same essay for different schools, they are certainly adept at discerning whether or not the essay meets the requirements of the prompt at hand. It's important to be mindful when making those minor adjustments. Make sure that your essay is still a good fit for the prompt and showcases your unique perspective or experience. For "Why School" essays, make sure you are changing the names of the school and its programs if you are making references to them.

Remember, your essays are meant to provide insight into who you are and your individuality, so don't be too focused on simply using the same content. Crafting a thoughtful and genuine response demonstrates effort and interest in the college you're applying to.

Wishing you the best of luck with your applications!

a year ago

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