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Top Division 2 Tennis Colleges?

I'm a high school junior and a tennis player, and I'm interested in playing at a Division 2 college. What are some highly-ranked Division 2 tennis colleges? Any tips on getting noticed by coaches?

7 months ago

There are several highly-ranked Division 2 tennis colleges with strong athletic programs. Some of the top teams include:

1. Barry University

2. Columbus State University

3. University of West Florida

4. University of Hawaii, Hilo

5. Saint Leo University

6. Azusa Pacific University

7. Wingate University

8. Midwestern State University

9. Drury University

10. Ferris State University

To get noticed by coaches and increase your chances of being recruited, here are a few tips:

1. Create a strong athletic resume: Compile your tennis achievements, stats, tournament results, and rankings, along with relevant academic information. Include an introduction that highlights your strengths and why you'd be an asset to their program.

2. Make a highlight video: Film yourself playing in a few matches or practice sessions, showcasing your skills, technique, and athleticism. Keep the video relatively short (around 5-10 minutes) and focus on highlights that demonstrate your abilities on the court.

3. Reach out to coaches: Start connecting with college coaches via email, social media, or phone. Introduce yourself, express your interest in their program, and provide your athletic resume and highlight video. Show genuine enthusiasm and be proactive in this process.

4. Attend college tennis camps and showcases: Participating in college tennis camps will give you the opportunity to display your skills in front of college coaches, as well as the chance to network and establish connections. Showcases can also be a valuable platform for exposure.

5. Keep your grades up: A strong academic record is essential for college admissions and potential scholarships. Many Division 2 colleges also have minimum GPA requirements for their athletes, so prioritize your schoolwork in addition to your tennis performance.

6. Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center: As a prospective Division 2 athlete, you'll need to register with the NCAA Eligibility Center to ensure you meet the academic and amateurism requirements necessary for athletic participation in college.

7. Stay engaged with the college recruiting process: Keep track of the recruiting timeline, respond promptly to coaches' communications, visit schools if possible, and stay updated on the tennis programs you're interested in.

By following these steps, you'll increase your chances of being noticed by college tennis coaches and finding a Division 2 tennis program suited for your skill level and academic goals. Good luck!

7 months ago

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