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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What's the best way to research a university?

Hi all! I'm feeling a little overwhelmed while researching universities for my college applications. Any tips or suggestions for the most effective methods to narrow down my choices and really get a sense of each university's offerings and atmosphere? Thanks for any guidance!

a year ago

Hi there! I completely understand that the college research process can be overwhelming. Here are a few methods that might be helpful:

1. Start with a broad list of universities you’re interested in, considering location, size, and available programs. Websites like CollegeVine, US News, and the College Board are great places to gather information on different institutions.

2. Research each university’s website. Browse through academic programs, departments, clubs, and organizations. This will help you get an insight into what they offer academically and socially.

3. Consider visiting college campuses in-person, if possible. This will give you an invaluable firsthand experience of the university's atmosphere, culture, and facilities. You can also talk to current students and faculty members.

4. Check out online forums and social media groups dedicated to the universities you're interested in. You can also read unbiased student reviews on websites such as College Confidential, Niche, and of course, CollegeVine.

5. Finally, be sure to seek advice from your high school counselor, teachers, and parents. They can provide valuable perspective based on their experiences and knowledge.

Remember, the more information you gather, the better-informed your choice will be. Good luck!

a year ago

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