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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is Stanford considered a research university?

Hello everyone! I'm interested in applying to Stanford and I'm wondering if it's classified as a research university. If so, what areas of research does it excel in, and are there ample opportunities for undergraduate research? Thank you for any information!

a year ago

Hello! Yes, Stanford is indeed classified as a research university, which means that it has a strong emphasis on research and offers various research opportunities to its students, including undergraduates.

Stanford excels in many areas of research, such as engineering, computer science, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and medicine, to name a few. The faculty at Stanford are well-known for their work and often collaborate with experts from various fields, creating interdisciplinary research opportunities.

Undergraduate research opportunities are plentiful at Stanford. One notable program is the “Undergraduate Research Experience in Aeronautics and Astronautics” (REUAA) where undergraduates can work directly with faculty members on cutting-edge research projects. Additionally, the “Research Experience in Life Sciences” (RELS) program in the biosciences is another excellent opportunity. You could also look into the “Major Grants” program, which provides students with funding to pursue their independent research projects. Overall, there is no shortage of research opportunities at Stanford, allowing you to fully explore your interests and passions. Good luck!

a year ago

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