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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Can someone tell me if Duke is a research university?

Hi all, Duke University is on my list of potential schools, but I'm not sure if it's known as a research university. Can anyone clarify if Duke is a research university and what kind of research opportunities are available for Biological Sciences majors? Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! Absolutely, Duke University is indeed a research university and is well known for its strong focus on research across various disciplines, including Biological Sciences.

For Biological Sciences majors, Duke offers an abundance of research opportunities. You can participate in faculty-mentored research through the Howard Hughes Research Fellows Program or the Biology Scholars for Research and Engagement (BSRE) Program. Additionally, the Undergraduate Research Support Office provides funding for independent projects, conference presentations, and even summer research opportunities.

Furthermore, Duke’s campus is home to renowned research institutes such as the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences and the Duke Cancer Institute, where students can gain hands-on experience and contribute to significant scientific discoveries.

To make the most of the research opportunities, it's essential to network with professors early on and express your interest in participating in research projects. Many students begin their research journey in their sophomore year and continue throughout their undergraduate education.

Best of luck with your college applications, and I hope this information was helpful!

a year ago

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