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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to decide between two good options for Early Decision?

I'm considering applying Early Decision to one of my top schools, but I can't make up my mind between two great options: a prestigious Ivy League school and a highly-ranked state school. Both have strong engineering programs, which is my intended major. How can I decide which one to apply ED to? Thanks for your advice!

a year ago

Hi! Congrats on having two great options for your Early Decision application. When it comes to deciding between the prestigious Ivy League school and the highly-ranked state school, you should consider a few factors that will play a major role in your college experience.

Firstly, think about the environment you feel most comfortable and excited to study in - urban, rural, or something in between - and the size of the campus that suits you best. Additionally, take into account class sizes, as the student-to-faculty ratio can impact your learning experience.

Next, affordability is an important factor; the cost of attendance can vary significantly between private institutions and state schools. Evaluate whether scholarships and financial aid packages can help ease this burden.

Finally, the campus culture, extracurricular offerings, and research opportunities are elements you should also take into account. Try visiting both campuses, talking to current students, or attending virtual events to get a better feel for each community.

This decision can be tough, but all these factors should help you choose the best fit for your ED application. Best of luck!

a year ago

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