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SAT: 720 math
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What does it mean for a university to be a research university?

Hi, I'm starting the college application process and I'm unsure about what a research university is. What are the advantages of attending a research university, and what exactly makes a university a research establishment? I'm interested in environmental studies. Thanks for any help!

a year ago

Hi there! A research university typically emphasizes conducting research and offering a wide breadth of academic programs, including graduate and postgraduate degrees. These universities tend to house a variety of research facilities, provide opportunities for faculty and students to engage in research projects, and often receive a significant amount of funding for research activities.

Attending a research university can have several advantages, particularly for students with a strong interest in their chosen field. Opportunities to participate in hands-on research projects can provide valuable experience and help you build connections with professors and professionals in your area of interest. For example, you might be able to contribute to research on environmental conservation or work alongside experts in the field of environmental studies.

Keep in mind that each university is unique, so it's essential to explore each institution's research opportunities and academic programs to find the best fit for your interests. Good luck with your college applications!

a year ago

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