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UCs and freshman year grades

Do University of California schools take your freshman year grades into consideration when reviewing applications? I'm a little worried because my performance wasn't that great.

a year ago

Hey there! It's completely normal to be concerned about your application, but I've got some great news for you. University of California (UC) schools use a different GPA calculation than most other institutions, called the UC GPA.

This UC GPA is calculated using only your 10th and 11th-grade coursework in the A-G subject areas. So, your freshman year grades won't be part of the GPA calculation for the UC system. However, do keep in mind that UCs will still review your entire transcript, including freshman year, to get a full picture of your academic progress.

Therefore, if you experienced improvement in your grades after freshman year, it could demonstrate to admissions officers your determination and growth over time. Focus on keeping your grades strong in your remaining years of high school, and don't forget to showcase your involvement in extracurricular activities or any unique experiences that may set you apart.

Best of luck with your application process!

a year ago

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