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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Evaluating my freshman GPA

I got a 3.6 GPA in my freshman year of high school. Is this a good GPA? Would universities view it as a strong start to my high school career?

a year ago

A 3.6 GPA is generally considered a solid GPA, especially for a freshman. It demonstrates a good work ethic and the ability to handle a challenging high school curriculum. Nevertheless, keep in mind that many universities evaluate a student's GPA progress throughout high school.

As you progress through high school, it's important to focus on maintaining or improving your GPA. Make sure to challenge yourself academically by taking advanced and/or honors courses if possible, as these are often factored into calculations for weighted GPAs. You should also set realistic, attainable goals for yourself each semester to continue improving over time.

Some universities may emphasize more recent academic performance, assuming students have grown personally and academically during their high school years. In that context, your freshman GPA can be perceived as a strong foundation that you can build upon to demonstrate your full academic potential. As always, stay focused and engaged, and remember that your GPA is just one aspect of your college application. Good luck!

a year ago

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