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How much do senior year grades matter for college admissions?

As senior year approaches, I can't help but wonder how much my senior year grades matter for college admissions. Do colleges look at first semester grades? What about second semester? How important are these grades compared to those from my previous years?

a year ago

Senior year grades do indeed play a role in college admissions. Colleges will look at your entire high school career, but they commonly pay special attention to your performance during the first semester of senior year. This is because a steady or upward trend in grades is generally seen as a positive indication of your abilities and motivation as a student.

As for the second semester, while it's true that your grades may not be as closely scrutinized, you shouldn't rest on your laurels. Colleges expect you to maintain a consistent academic performance throughout your senior year. In some cases, very poor final semester grades could lead to a college rescinding their admission offer.

In comparison to previous years, senior year grades are important, but they're not the sole determining factor. Admissions officers look at your entire academic history, so don't worry if your performance in earlier years wasn't perfect. Instead, focus on continuing to perform well and demonstrate that you're a dedicated student.

a year ago

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