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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to choose between tier 1 research universities?

Hello everyone! I was lucky to be accepted to several tier 1 research universities, but now I'm having difficulty deciding which one to attend. What factors should I be considering when comparing these schools? I'm planning to major in electrical engineering, and it's important for me to have research opportunities and internships available. Some of the schools I am considering include MIT, Caltech, and University of Michigan. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

a year ago

Congratulations on your acceptances! Choosing between top-tier research universities can be a tough decision. Here are a few factors you might want to take into account:

1. Academics: Make sure to compare the engineering programs at each university. You can look at faculty, research opportunities, lab facilities, and course offerings.

2. Internship/Job Opportunities: Research the career services at each university and their connections with industry partners. This can have a significant impact on the quality of internships and job offers you may receive after graduation.

3. Location: Consider the surrounding area and its effect on your quality of life. Are you looking for an urban environment like MIT or a calmer atmosphere like Caltech? The location can also impact potential internships and job opportunities.

4. Campus Culture: Visit each campus, attend classes, and talk to current students. This would help you get a feel for the campus environment and whether you would be comfortable and happy there.

5. Financial Aid: Compare the financial aid packages offered by each institution and see which one best fits your financial situation.

Considering these factors and your priorities will help you make a more informed decision. Good luck with your choice, and I hope you find the perfect fit!

a year ago

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