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Are research universities better than other types of schools?

I've been researching colleges, and I've seen a lot of talk about research universities. Are there any benefits or drawbacks to attending a research university over a liberal arts college or other types of institutions? I'm interested in majoring in biology, if that makes a difference. Thanks!

a year ago

It's great to see that you're putting thought into which type of college may be best for you! Research universities and liberal arts colleges have their own unique qualities, and the better choice depends on your personal preferences and goals.

Research universities often have extensive resources and opportunities for undergraduate research, which could be advantageous for your biology major. Since they tend to be larger institutions, you might also have a more diverse range of courses and extracurriculars to choose from.

On the other hand, liberal arts colleges emphasize a well-rounded education and often have smaller class sizes, which can foster a more intimate learning environment with closer faculty-student interactions. This can be particularly beneficial if you appreciate personalized attention and strong professor relationships.

Ultimately, the best choice for you will depend on your individual priorities and the specific schools themselves. Take the time to visit campuses, talk with students and faculty, and carefully consider which environment will be the most fulfilling for your college experience.

a year ago

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