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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does Northwestern qualify as a research university?

I'm considering Northwestern as one of my top choices for college, but I'm not sure if it's considered a research university. If it is, are there any specific research opportunities for students in the social sciences? How has your experience been with undergraduate research at a research university like Northwestern?

a year ago

Absolutely, Northwestern is indeed a research university! It has a strong emphasis on producing and fostering cutting-edge research across a range of disciplines, including the social sciences. You'll be able to find numerous research opportunities in the social sciences department.

For example, my child who's currently attending Northwestern has been involved in research projects at the Institute for Policy Research which conducts social policy research on pressing issues like education, health, and crime. The faculty members are always supportive and invested in the development of undergraduate students in research-intensive projects. Many students get involved in these opportunities through work-study, internships, or by reaching out to professors in their area of interest.

The experience with undergraduate research at Northwestern is quite enriching and engaging. You get to work closely with top-notch faculty, explore your interests, and hone your skills in critical thinking and analysis. I am confident that if you choose Northwestern, you'll find ample research opportunities within the social sciences field to boost your academic and professional growth!

a year ago

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