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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Opinions on Penn State's research opportunities?

Hey there, I'm interested in applying to Penn State, but I'm curious if they're a research university. If so, can anyone share their experiences with or opinions on the research opportunities available there? I'm especially interested in opportunities within the field of materials science. Thank you in advance for any help!

a year ago

Hey! I'm glad to hear you're interested in Penn State! Indeed, Penn State is a research university, and they rank highly in terms of research expenditures, which means they have a fair amount of funding that goes into research opportunities.

In the field of materials science, you can find plenty of research opportunities through Penn State's Materials Research Institute. They focus on subfields including energy, health, and nanotechnology. As an undergraduate student, you can participate in research by connecting with professors or signing up for internships and co-ops. The institute also does a great job of fostering collaborations with different departments, so you could have the chance to do research that also incorporates other academic interests you have.

I recommend that you visit the institute's website to explore potential projects, and reach out to Penn State's admission office, or even specific faculty members who are doing research in areas that interest you, to learn more about how you would able to get involved. Good luck with your application process!

a year ago

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