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SAT: 720 math
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Is it possible to switch majors after being admitted?

Hey there! I'm a junior looking into colleges, and I initially thought about applying for a major in psychology. However, I'm now considering changing to a biology major. Is it possible to switch majors after being accepted into a college? Any advice would be much appreciated!

a year ago

Hello! Absolutely, it's possible to switch majors after being admitted into a college. Most colleges have a process in place to make it easy for students to change their major, particularly in their freshman or sophomore year, as it's not uncommon for students to change their minds.

However, some majors may have limited enrollment or specific requirements, so it's always a good idea to research the process for the colleges you're interested in. Reach out to their admissions offices or academic advisors to get more information about switching majors at their institution.

Also, some schools require you to apply to a specific college (like the College of Engineering or College of Arts and Sciences), and it's much more difficult to switch majors in a case like this because you'll have to switch colleges within the university. However, for psych and bio, they're almost certainly going to be in the same college, if your university has separate colleges.

In the meantime, I'd suggest pursuing a well-rounded course load in your senior year, so you have a strong foundation in both subjects. And when applying, don't forget to communicate your passion and interest in both psychology and biology in your application!

a year ago

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