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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Getting a Track Scholarship in Senior Year

Hi all! I'm currently a junior and I'm hoping to get a track scholarship during my senior year. What steps should I take to make myself a competitive candidate for a track scholarship? Any tips or advice you guys have would be amazing!

a year ago

Hello! Here are a few steps that can help you become a strong candidate:

1. Improve your performance: Keep working hard to improve your personal records. Attend track and field camps, work with a private coach, or consider joining a club team to refine your skills.

2. Participate in big meets: Aim to qualify for regional and national competitions, as college coaches often attend these events to scout talent. This can increase your visibility to coaches and show that you are ready to compete against elite runners in college.

3. Create a sports resume: List your athletic accomplishments, best times, records, and any awards or recognitions you've received. Include any leadership roles or community service activities related to your sport as well.

4. Reach out to college coaches: Send emails or physical copies of your sports resume to coaches at colleges you're interested in attending. Include a brief introductory email detailing your interest in their program and your desire to contribute as a student-athlete.

5. Apply yourself academically too: Make sure your grades and test scores meet the standards of the colleges you're interested in, as some programs require a certain academic threshold for their scholarships.

Good luck, and I hope these tips help you on your journey!

a year ago

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