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Does Early Decision Increase Chances at NYU?

Hello! I'm a junior and NYU is one of my top choices for college. I was wondering if applying Early Decision actually increases your chances of getting in? I've heard mixed things, and it's a big decision to commit to a school early. I'd love some advice or personal experiences. Thanks!

7 months ago

Absolutely, applying Early Decision (ED) to NYU, or any institution with an ED program, typically increases your acceptance chances. This is due to several factors, one being the demonstrated interest in the school. When you apply ED, you're communicating to NYU that it's your top choice, and if admitted, you're committed to attending.

Statistically speaking, schools generally have higher acceptance rates for ED applicants compared to Regular Decision applicants. According to our data, applying ED in general gives you a 1.6x higher chance of acceptance, meaning that if your acceptance rate was 10% before, it's 16% with ED. More info can be found here: https://blog.collegevine.com/does-applying-early-decision-increase-my-chances. Unfortunately, there is no current data on actual ED acceptance rates at NYU, but it likely follows this trend. Keep in mind also that the effect for EDII is likely smaller than EDI.

However, remember that this boost in acceptance odds shouldn't be the only consideration. Applying ED means you're committing to attend if accepted, so, make sure you've done a thorough financial evaluation with your family about this commitment and used NYU's net price calculator.

If NYU is without a doubt your dream school and the financial commitment isn't a barrier, ED could be a strategic choice. Best of luck!

7 months ago

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