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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Consequences of missing PSAT during sophomore year?

Hi! So, I'm a little bit stressed because I wasn't able to take the PSAT as a sophomore due to personal reasons. I'm wondering if this is going to negatively impact my college applications in any way or if it will hinder my chances for National Merit? Thanks for your help, guys!

a year ago

Hello! I completely understand your concern about missing the PSAT during your sophomore year, but please don't worry too much. While the PSAT can be a good practice for the actual SAT, not taking it as a sophomore won't negatively impact your college applications. Colleges do not consider PSAT scores when making admissions decisions.

As for the National Merit Scholarship Program, it's the PSAT taken in your junior year that counts as the qualifying test, not the sophomore year test. So, you haven't lost your chance at National Merit; just make sure you're prepared to take it in 11th grade. For now, focus on your schoolwork and extracurricular activities, and when it comes time to prepare for next year's PSAT, utilize practice tests and study resources to help you do your best. Remember, there's still plenty of time to prepare for your junior-year PSAT and for the SAT or ACT when you're ready. Keep your chin up!

a year ago

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