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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Harvard's View on Freshman Year Grades

Hello! I'm a high school junior and I may possibly apply to Harvard next year. I was wondering, does Harvard consider freshman year grades when evaluating applicants? My first year of high school wasn't the best, but I've improved a lot since then.

a year ago

Hey there! That's a great question—many students wonder about the impact of their early high school performance on ultra-competitive college admissions. Harvard looks at your entire high school transcript, but they are particularly interested in seeing an upward trajectory in the rigor and grades. This means that while your freshman year grades are certainly reviewed, they care a lot about the improvement you've shown over time. It's not uncommon for students to have a bit of a rocky start as they transition into high school, and admissions officers are aware of this. They want to see how you've grown since then. If you've improved since your freshman year, that's actually a positive thing and demonstrates resilience and a commitment to academic excellence, qualities that Harvard values highly. Keep up the good work, and make sure to highlight this improvement in your application, perhaps in your essays. Showing them who you have become as a student since your freshman year can be a compelling part of your story. Good luck!

a year ago

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