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Do colleges look at freshman year GPA?

Hey everyone, I'm currently a junior in high school and starting to stress about the college admissions process. I didn't do so well during my freshman year, so I was wondering if colleges take your freshman year GPA into account when considering an application. What has been your experience or research on this topic? Thank you!

a year ago

Hi there! It's really common to feel worried about how your earlier high school performance might impact your college applications, so I'm glad you reached out. In my experience, many colleges do take your freshman year GPA into consideration, but it's important to note that they also look at the overall trend of your GPA throughout your high school years. If you showed improvement after your freshman year, that growth can actually work in your favor, as it demonstrates resilience and a capacity to overcome academic challenges.

For instance, a student I worked with had a rocky start in 9th grade but gradually boosted their GPA each year, and colleges responded positively to that improvement, especially with strong junior year grades. In fact, some colleges, like the University of California system, don't include freshman year grades at all when calculating the GPA they use for admissions decisions. Remember, it's also beneficial to support your application with good essays, letters of recommendation, and extracurricular achievements. Keep working hard, and don't forget to highlight your progress and achievements in your applications!

a year ago

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