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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How much can your grades drop senior year before colleges rescind admission?

Hi guys! I was wondering if there's a general rule for how much your grades can drop during senior year before colleges might rescind your admission offer. I want to make sure I keep my grades up, but I'm also trying to balance extracurriculars and other activities. Any advice would be appreciated!

a year ago

It's fantastic that you are being proactive about maintaining your grades while balancing extracurricular activities. Generally speaking, colleges expect you to perform consistently with the academic record you presented in your application. A slight drop, such as going from straight A's to a mix of A's and B's, is usually not a concern. However, a significant drop, like falling to C's or lower, can raise red flags. Admissions offices understand that senior year is busy, but they want to see that you can juggle responsibilities since college will be similar. My advice is to prioritize your time effectively and seek help if a particular class is giving you trouble. A tutor, study group, or conversation with your teacher could make a big difference. If you do experience a significant grade drop, it’s important to communicate with the college's admissions office to explain the circumstances. Most importantly, keep in touch with your guidance counselor; they can be a valuable resource in helping you manage your workload and advocate for you if necessary. Keep working hard and good luck!

a year ago

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