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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do colleges check senior year grades?

I've seen a lot of people talking about how important junior year grades are, but I'm curious if colleges also check your senior year grades? I want to continue working hard, but I'm a little bit stressed about how much weight they hold. Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Definitely, senior year grades can be quite significant in the college admissions process. Many schools will request your mid-year report, which includes the grades from the first half of your senior year. This is especially important if you're applying regular decision, as these grades offer the most up-to-date reflection of your academic performance. For early action or early decision, while they won't have your completed senior year grades, any subsequent changes in your academic standing could potentially affect your admission status. So, keeping up your performance is always a wise choice. If, for example, you've been maintaining a steady A/B record and then suddenly your grades dip in senior year, the admissions officers might wonder about the consistency of your academic commitment. Conversely, if your grades have been improving over time, strong senior year grades could serve as evidence of your positive trajectory. So keep up the good work in your senior year; it's definitely not the time to slack!

a year ago

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