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Which Ivy League schools offer Early Decision?

Hey everyone! I've started looking into college applications, and I'm curious about the Early Decision process. Could you please help me understand which Ivy League schools offer Early Decision? I've been finding mixed information online, and I would sincerely appreciate your guidance. Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey there! I'm glad you're looking into your application options early on – it's a smart move. Early Decision (ED) is a binding agreement, which means that if you're accepted, you're committed to attend, so it's a big decision.

Among the Ivy League schools, the ones that offer Early Decision are Columbia University, Dartmouth College, the University of Pennsylvania, Brown, and Cornell. Meanwhile, Harvard, Princeton, and Yale offer Single-Choice Early Action, which is non-binding.

An important distinction is that for Single-Choice Early Action (also known as Restrictive Early Action), while you aren't committed to attending if accepted, you typically can't apply early to other private colleges. It's also good to check each college's website for the most up-to-date policies as they can change over time or have specific stipulations. I hope this helps clear things up a bit!

a year ago

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