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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Are liberal arts colleges worth it?

Hello! As I'm researching colleges during my junior year, I'm curious to know if a liberal arts college education offers enough career opportunities and networking compared to larger universities. Do you think it's worth attending a liberal arts college?

a year ago

Hey there! The education offered by a liberal arts college can be incredibly valuable. What liberal arts colleges may lack in size, they often make up for with close-knit communities and strong alumni networks. Professors usually know students by name, and many schools have excellent career services that really focus on individual students. Many students have positive experiences with internships and mentoring through connections made at their college.

When considering whether it's worth it, think about the educational environment you thrive in. If smaller classes and a broad-based education appeal to you, a liberal arts college could be a great choice. It’s not just about the name, but about where you believe you’ll grow and succeed the most!

a year ago

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