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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Schools with a vibe similar to Emory?

Hey everyone, I've really fallen for Emory's vibe and was wondering if there are any other colleges that have a similar feel? I'm looking for schools with strong pre-med programs, a balance between social life and academics, and preferably in an urban setting. Any suggestions?

a year ago

Hello there! I'm glad to hear you've found a school that resonates with you so well. Finding schools with a similar vibe to Emory, which is known for its excellent pre-med program and vibrant campus life in an urban setting, can be a bit of a task, but here are a few you might consider:

Vanderbilt University, located in Nashville, offers a robust pre-med curriculum with a lively campus atmosphere. You could also look into the University of Rochester, as it provides a strong focus on research and healthcare, paired with a spirited community life. Rice University in Houston is another institution known for its collaborative spirit and exceptional medical opportunities. While each of these institutions has its own unique culture, they all embody a balance of qualities you seem to be drawn towards.

Lastly, don't overlook Tulane University in New Orleans, which remarkably mirrors Emory's balance between rigorous academics and an engaging social scene, all within an exciting urban backdrop. It's crucial to visit these campuses if possible to really capture the essence of each and see if they align with the 'feel' you're searching for. Best of luck in finding that perfect match!

a year ago

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