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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to make friends as a high school freshman?

Hey everyone, I'm starting high school soon and I'm kind of nervous about it. I want to make new friends, but I'm not really sure how to approach people. Does anyone have any suggestions or tips on how to make friends in high school during freshman year? I'd really appreciate your help!

a year ago

Hey there! Starting high school can certainly feel a little overwhelming, but it's also super exciting since you're going to meet so many new people. A great way to make friends is to get involved with extracurricular activities that interest you. Whether it's sports, drama club, the school newspaper, or robotics, these groups are fantastic because they bring together students with common interests. Just imagine how easy conversations can flow when you're all passionate about the same thing!

Another big tip is to be open and approachable. A smile can go a long way, and sometimes just being friendly and saying 'hi' can lead to a good chat and, before you know it, a new friendship. Lastly, try not to stress too much. Everyone is in the same boat as freshmen, looking to make connections. So if you see someone sitting alone in the cafeteria or in class, why not join them? They might be hoping for someone to talk to as well. Remember, friendships can take time to form, so just be yourself and let things evolve naturally. Good luck with your freshman year – it's going to be a great adventure!

a year ago

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