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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is Junior Year Really the Worst?

I've always heard that junior year is the hardest year in high school. Is that true? What challenges can I expect, and how can I prepare myself for them?

a year ago

Junior year often carries a reputation for being challenging, and in many ways, it lives up to that. Generally, it's a time when students take on more advanced coursework, standardized testing (like the SAT or ACT), and perhaps start exploring college options. The rise in academic demands coincides with a growing emphasis on extracurricular leadership roles, which can feel overwhelming for many students.

However, I encourage my students not to view junior year as a hurdle but as an opportunity to shine. Start by being organized and proactive about your schedule. Know when your testing dates are and plan your study time accordingly. If you can, start to prepare for standardized tests over the summer before junior year to lessen the load during school months. Also, communicate with your teachers early in the year if you're struggling with the material. They're there to help you succeed. Finally, make time for self-care to manage stress effectively. Regular exercise, healthy eating, and sufficient sleep are crucial. While junior year is busy, with the right approach, it can be both manageable and fulfilling.

a year ago

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