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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How to decide early decision?

Hi everyone, I'm a junior and I've been stressing out about whether or not I should apply early decision to one of my top colleges. How do you guys figure out which school to apply ED to? What factors should I consider before making the decision? I'm worried about making the wrong choice, so any advice would really help me out!

a year ago

Hello there! I completely understand your concern about the Early Decision process—it’s a significant commitment. The key factor to consider is whether a school is absolutely your top choice and if it feels like the perfect fit for you in terms of academics, campus culture, and location.

Remember that Early Decision is binding—if accepted, you are obliged to attend, so certainty is crucial. Before deciding, research financial aid policies; if you need financial assistance, ensure the school’s aid offers typically align with what you can afford, as you won’t be able to compare with other offers.

Visiting the campus, if possible, is highly recommended to get a 'feel' for the environment. You can also reach out to current students or alumni for their insights. List the pros and cons of the school and consider how you would feel if admitted or denied.

Think about the Early Decision acceptance rates as well; while they are often higher than Regular Decision rates, the pool of applicants can be more competitive. Analyze how your credentials compare to admitted students from previous years as a rough gauge of your chances.

Last but not least, discuss with your family, teachers, and guidance counselor—they can provide valuable perspectives. Ultimately, an informed, gut-check decision is the way to go when it involves Early Decision. Good luck!

a year ago

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