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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Can you be rejected in Early Action?

Hello! I'm considering applying to some schools through Early Action, but I'm worried about being rejected right away. Is it possible to be rejected from a school during the Early Action round, or will I still have a chance in the Regular Decision rounds? TIA!

a year ago

You can breathe a bit easier knowing that Early Action is not a final 'yes' or 'no' for most schools. In fact, if you're not accepted in the Early Action round, many colleges will consider you in the Regular Decision pool. However, you should be aware that some colleges do indeed issue rejections during Early Action. It varies from school to school, so you'll want to check the admission policies of the specific colleges you're interested in. My child applied Early Action to several schools and was deferred at one, which essentially meant they were considered again with the Regular Decision applicants. It's a way for colleges to indicate that they're interested in a student, but want to review the entire applicant pool before making a final decision. I encourage you to apply Early Action if you're ready—it has the major perk of hearing back sooner!

a year ago

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