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When should I expect my college acceptance letters?

Hey, totally stressed rising senior here 🙋‍♀️. I've worked my butt off, striving for good grades and I'll be submitting my apps this fall. Even though they're not in yet, I’ve been freaking out about when I might hear back from colleges. When exactly do college acceptance letters usually arrive? Like, is there a standard time frame or does it vary for every college?

7 months ago

That's a great question, and it's perfectly natural to feel anxious during the waiting period, especially given how hard you've worked. To address your question, the timing of college acceptance letters can indeed vary from one institution to another, and depends on the admissions timeline you choose.

Allow me to break the timing down, with reference to the most common admission plans:

1. Early Decision / Early Action: If you apply under Early Decision (binding) or Early Action (non-binding), you typically submit your application by November 1st or 15th of your senior year. Colleges generally release these decisions in mid-December, but they can come as late as the end of January.

2. Regular Decision: The Regular Decision deadline tends to be around January 1st, although it can be as early as December 1st or as late as February 1st. Acceptance letters for Regular Decision applicants most commonly arrive from late March through April.

3. Rolling Admissions: Some colleges and universities have a rolling admissions policy where applications are reviewed as they come in and decisions are sent out on an ongoing basis until all spots are filled. In this case, you will typically hear back within a few weeks of submitting your application.

Remember, these are broad timelines and exact dates can vary by school. You'll find the most accurate information on the respective colleges' websites, broken down by admissions plan.

Finally, while it's normal to feel eager about hearing back, try to relax during this period. Use the time to focus on your senior year courses, spend time with friends, explore interests, and enjoy your last chapter of high school - before you know it, the letters will start coming in. Good luck!

7 months ago

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