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How do colleges view dual enrollment courses during admissions?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior considering dual enrollment next year and I'm honestly kinda stressed about how it'll look on my college apps. Do admissions officers view dual enrollment courses favorably, or do they prefer AP/IB classes? Also, will taking dual enrollment courses at a local community college help me stand out to competitive schools?

a year ago

Hello there! I completely understand why you might feel stressed about making the right course choices for your senior year. Dual enrollment courses can be seen as a strong indicator of your readiness for college-level work, as they often involve a level of rigor similar to what you'd find in a college classroom. Admissions officers usually look upon them favorably because they show that you're challenging yourself beyond the high school curriculum.

Now, regarding how they compare to AP/IB classes, it can depend on the specific college and how they view the depth and rigor of each type of course. Some colleges might give slight preference to AP/IB because of the standardized curriculum, but this isn't a steadfast rule. If the dual enrollment courses are in subjects related to your intended major or areas of interest, they can very well enhance your application.

As for standing out to competitive schools, your academic rigor is just one part of the puzzle. Taking dual enrollment courses can definitely add to your profile, especially if you do well in them. Remember, competitive schools are looking for students who push their boundaries and show potential for success in a college environment. So, if you're excited about the dual enrollment classes offered and feel they align with your goals, they can be a valuable part of your academic narrative!

a year ago

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