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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does WGU offer a GPA or something equivalent?

Hi all, I’ve been looking into online universities (specifically WGU), but I’m confused about whether or not they use a GPA system or something equivalent. If they do, do colleges use this when assessing transfer applications or is their system different? Would appreciate any input!

6 months ago

Hello! WGU (Western Governors University) indeed has a unique grading system. They use what is referred to as a competency-based model, in which grades are given as pass or fail, instead of the traditional letter-grade system. This model reflects whether a student has mastered the material rather than assigning a specific GPA.

When it comes to transferring, whether it's credits to another institution or pursuing a graduate program, WGU's pass grades are typically held equivalent to a 3.0 GPA. However, it's important to know that every institution can interpret this differently, so it's key to check transfer policies of any prospective schools.

In addition, keep in mind that a transferring process is not only about the academic record. Other factors also come to play like your letters of recommendation, personal essay, and sometimes even an interview. It can be a complex process, but don't be discouraged. Many students successfully transfer each year with a variety of academic backgrounds.

Good luck with your academic journey!

6 months ago

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