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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Universities like University of Vermont?

I'm drawn to University of Vermont's chill yet academically dedicated culture. Would love to hear about any schools that strike a similar balance - good academics without the high-stress culture. Bonus points if they also have a great environmental science program!

a year ago

Hey there! Your interest in the University of Vermont's vibe is certainly understandable—it's a unique atmosphere where students are engaged without being overwhelmed. You might want to check out schools like University of Colorado Boulder, which has a reputation for a laid-back environment but is also strong in environmental studies. Also, consider looking at schools like Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon, known for its beautiful campus and commitment to sustainability, aligning nicely with your environmental science interest. Lastly, Evergreen State College in Washington might be worth exploring for its alternative educational approach, which encourages interdisciplinary studies and could fit well with a desire for a relaxed but intellectually stimulating setting. Don't hesitate to visit these campuses, if possible, as the feel of each place can vary and it's important that you find one that resonates with you personally. Good luck!

a year ago

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