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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Deferring Early Decision acceptance?

Hey, I applied and got accepted through Early Decision at a college, but I might need to take a gap year first. Is there a way to defer my acceptance so that I can attend the college the following year? Thanks!

a year ago

Congratulations on your Early Decision acceptance! That's a fantastic accomplishment. I understand your situation and the desire to take a gap year. Schools typically have different policies on deferring admissions, but many are open to it, especially if you have a clear plan or reason for your gap year. The best course of action is to contact the admissions office at the college as soon as possible and inquire about their specific policy on deferrals. Usually, they will ask you to submit a written request explaining your reasons for the deferral along with the activities you plan to engage in during the gap year. Keep in mind that some schools might require you to reapply for financial aid for the following year and that your deferral approval may be contingent on not enrolling in degree-seeking courses at another institution during your gap year. Good luck, and I hope you're able to have both a fruitful gap year and a great college experience when you return!

a year ago

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