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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How many years of a foreign language do colleges prefer?

Hey y'all! So in a bit of a dilemma here – I've taken three years of Spanish but I'm not sure if I should go for the fourth year. Is it true that colleges like to see 4 years of a language? Or can I spend that time focusing on other classes and activities I'm more passionate about? Would appreciate any advice, especially from anyone who got into colleges with less than 4 years of a language.

a year ago

Hey there! Great question. While it's often believed that colleges prefer four years of a foreign language, it's not a hard and fast rule. Instead, many colleges recommend at least two years, and competitive colleges might like to see three or four. However, if you've already taken three years of Spanish and have a strong base, you could consider diversifying your academics or deepening your involvement in other areas of interest. Remember, it's also important to show commitment and excellence in your passions, as this offers a glimpse into who you are beyond just academics. If you're applying to a school known for a liberal arts education or a language program, a fourth year could be more beneficial. Otherwise, if you've met the minimum requirements and can use the time to enhance other aspects of your profile, it could be a sound decision. Ultimately, aim for a well-rounded high school experience that reflects your strengths and interests. For instance, an applicant who invested time in building a community service project related to their intended major can stand out even with three years of a language.

a year ago

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