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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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When will Northeastern's early action decisions be released?

Anyone else biting their nails waiting for Northeastern's early action decisions? I applied early and just wanted to check if there is a usual timeframe for when they let us know.

a year ago

Hey there! I completely understand the anticipation, and I'm here to alleviate some of that nail-biting tension for you. Northeastern typically releases its early action decisions in mid-December. Keep in mind that this can vary slightly from year to year, but you can generally expect to hear back around that time frame.

The University aims to notify applicants in a timely manner, so be sure to check your email and the application portal regularly as the date approaches. Remember, they may send out decisions in waves, so don’t be disheartened if you see others receiving their results before you do—it doesn’t indicate anything about the status of your application. And while waiting, it's a great idea to stay engaged in your current studies and activities. Distraction can be a wonderful thing during such a suspenseful time!

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have more questions during this process!

a year ago

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