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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Suggestions for schools like Skidmore for a creative environment?

I really vibe with Skidmore's focus on creativity and fostering a supportive environment for its students. Does anyone have recommendations for other schools that prioritize creative programs and have an inclusive atmosphere?

a year ago

Absolutely, there are quite a few colleges that are known for their strong focus on fostering creativity and offering a supportive environment. You might want to look into Emerson College in Boston—it has an incredible reputation for its arts and communications programs, and the campus atmosphere is very inclusive. Additionally, Bard College in New York is another institution where creativity is at the heart of its curriculum, and it tends to attract a very unique and diverse student body.

Reed College in Oregon also has a reputation for its liberal arts program and free-spirited culture. It's known for its emphasis on intellectual rigor and creative thinking. Lastly, Oberlin College in Ohio could be another option to consider; it's well-known for its conservatory of music and commitment to the arts.

It's worth checking out these schools to see if they resonate with you, as each has its own distinct flavor of creativity and supportiveness. Best of luck with your search!

a year ago

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