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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Nervous About ACT Score Release

Hey! I took the ACT recently and the waiting is really getting to me. Anyone knows what time do ACT scores usually come out?

7 months ago

Typically, ACT scores start to become available 10 days after the test date. However, it can sometimes take up to 8 weeks for scores to be posted based on various reasons such as the number of test-takers or potential reviewing of results.

As for the time of day, the approximate time ACT usually releases scores online is around 1 AM Eastern Time. But remember, not everyone gets their scores at the exact same time. It tends to be a process that rolls out throughout the morning.

So, the wait can indeed be a bit nail-biting, but rest assured knowing that your scores will come in due course! Good luck!

7 months ago

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