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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What are the characteristics of an accepted Harvard undergrad applicant?

As someone eyeing Harvard, I'm curious about the kind of student they typically accept. Could someone share insights on the accepted student profile for recent undergraduate classes, like the class of 2023? Just trying to gauge what they look for beyond raw academic stats.

a year ago

Certainly! Students admitted to Harvard often display a mix of exceptional academic prowess and unique personal qualities. Beyond high GPA and test scores, they usually have a rigorous high school curriculum—balancing challenging courses such as AP, IB, or honors classes. Moreover, they often exhibit leadership potential and a profound commitment to extracurricular activities, whether it be in athletics, the arts, community service, or entrepreneurship. For instance, an applicant might be the captain of their school's debate team while also running a non-profit organization that aids their local community. Intellectual curiosity and a demonstrated passion for learning are highly regarded, with many students having conducted advanced research or created independent projects by the time they apply. In essays, successful candidates often convey their unique perspectives, resilience, and potential to contribute to the campus community. It's also not uncommon for them to have won national or international awards in their areas of interest. Remember, the admissions office seeks multidimensional individuals who will not only succeed academically but also enhance the diversity and vitality of the student body.

a year ago

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