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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which colleges have a vibe like Reed?

I'm super into the academic intensity and unique culture at Reed College, but I want to explore more options. Can anyone suggest other colleges that have a similar approach to education and student life? Preferably, places that are known for rigorous academics combined with an unconventional or quirky student culture.

a year ago

Absolutely, I can see why Reed's unique atmosphere appeals to you! If you're looking for schools with a similar vibe to Reed, you should certainly look into Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania. It's known for its rigorous academics and an active, engaged student community that's often described as intellectual and slightly offbeat. Oberlin College in Ohio is another institution where a dedication to academics pairs well with an eclectic community. Oberlin students are often characterized as creatively passionate and the campus as a space for progressive thought.

Finally, take a look at Wesleyan University in Connecticut. Its student body is known for being inclusive and active in a wide array of social issues, which creates a vibrant campus life akin to Reed. When researching these schools, be sure to consider how their specific programs align with your academic interests and visit the campuses if possible to get a real feel for the environment. The right 'vibe' is such a personal thing, you'll know it when you see it. Best of luck with your college search!

a year ago

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