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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are some schools similar to Wesleyan College in terms of size and academic vibe?

Hey everyone! I’ve been looking into Wesleyan College and I'm digging the vibe and size of the school. Anyone know of other colleges with a similar feel? Looking for that small- to medium-sized, tight-knit community with solid liberal arts programs.

a year ago

Hi there! Sounds like you've got a good sense of what you're looking for in a college. Wesleyan College in Georgia is known for being a tight-knit community with a strong liberal arts focus. If you're looking for colleges that offer a similar environment, you might want to look into schools like Oberlin College in Ohio, Skidmore College in New York, and Macalester College in Minnesota. All three are medium-sized liberal arts colleges that foster a close community feel among students.

Oberlin, for example, has a strong focus on social justice and sustainability, much like Wesleyan. Skidmore offers a creative and collaborative atmosphere, and Macalester is known for its internationalism and multiculturalism. I highly recommend visiting campuses if possible to get a true sense of the community and check if the vibe resonates with you. Good luck on your college search!

a year ago

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