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NC State admissions: Does GPA outweigh extracurriculars or vice versa?

So I'm compiling my college list and NC State's programs seem really cool, but I'm not too sure about what they prioritize. I’ve got a range of extracurricular experiences that I love and I’m dedicated to, but I'm slightly worried my GPA isn't quite up there. Does NC State focus more on GPA, or could my extracurriculars give me a solid shot?

a year ago

It's great that you're interested in NC State! I understand your concern about balancing GPA and extracurriculars. Generally speaking, the admissions committee at NC State, like many universities, considers both academic performance and extracurricular involvement. Your GPA certainly plays a significant role as it is a key indicator of your academic readiness. However, NC State also values a holistic review of applicants, where extracurricular activities showcase your passions, commitments, and leadership qualities.

If your GPA isn't as high as you'd like, your extracurriculars can definitely help to round out your application. Ensure that your involvement is highlighted in your essays and letters of recommendation. Specific accomplishments or leadership roles within these activities can really make your application stand out. Extracurriculars often tell a story about who you are beyond the classroom, which is important to admissions committees. So, keep investing time in what you love and communicate the depth of your commitment in your application. Best of luck!

a year ago

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