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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Colleges similar to Dickinson's international focus?

Hey y'all, as I'm exploring colleges, I've been drawn to Dickinson's strong international studies program and its global perspective. I'd love to learn about other colleges that also emphasize global engagement and have strong language programs. Any recommendations for a high school junior trying to find the right fit?

a year ago

Hello there! I'm glad to hear you're considering international studies as a focus for your college education. If you're looking at schools like Dickinson because of their global perspective, you might also want to check out Middlebury College in Vermont. Middlebury is well-known for its language programs and emphasis on international studies. Students there often go on to careers in diplomacy or international business. Another option is Macalester College in Minnesota, which has a strong commitment to internationalism and multiculturalism.

For those who are drawn to urban environments, American University in Washington D.C. could also be a great fit. Their School of International Service is quite respected, and you'll benefit from being in the heart of where U.S. international policies are made. Additionally, Tufts University in Massachusetts is renowned for its Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Remember that when looking for colleges, visiting campus if possible and talking to current students in the programs of your interest can provide valuable insights. Best of luck with your college search!

a year ago

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