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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Finding colleges with a vibe like University of Florida?

Hey everyone, I'm really into the vibe at the University of Florida - like the campus culture, the size, and the whole atmosphere seem like a great fit for me. I’m trying to broaden my college search though, so does anyone know schools that have a similar feel? I'm looking for places with a strong sense of community, solid academics but not super cutthroat, and some good sports spirit too. Bonus points if it’s in a warmer climate like Florida's.

a year ago

I totally get why you're fond of the University of Florida's vibe! My kid felt the same way and found some similar schools during the search. Texas A&M University might be right up your alley. It's got that large campus feel, a welcoming student body, and they sure do love their sports – especially football! Another one to consider is Arizona State University; it has a dynamic campus life and loads of school spirit, not to mention it's situated in sunny Tempe, Arizona. Lastly, you might want to look at the University of Southern California (USC). It tends to be more on the competitive side academically, but it also offers that strong community bond and a spirited sports atmosphere you're after. And, of course, California weather is a big plus! Just remember to consider your academic fit and personal preferences too when making your final list. Good luck!

a year ago

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