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Do AP exams have a curve?

I've heard a lot about AP exams being curved but never really understood how that works. Does anyone have insight on whether certain AP exams are curved more than others?

a year ago

Hey there! I'd be happy to help clarify how AP exams are scored. There isn't an actual 'curve' applied after the exam in the traditional sense. However, the College Board uses a statistical process called 'equating,' which ensures that scores are consistent across different test administrations and years. Equating can adjust for slight differences in difficulty, so a small variation in raw scores can lead to the same AP score on a 1-5 scale. It's not that certain AP exams are curved more than others, but rather that each year's exam is equated based on that year's test takers and questions.

For instance, if the College Board determines from the data that a particular AP Chemistry exam was a bit more challenging, then the scale for a 3, 4, or 5 might be set at a slightly lower raw score threshold than in a previous year. This ensures fairness and consistency year-to-year. Just focus on doing your best during the exam! If you do, you're likely to earn a score that reflects your knowledge and understanding of the course material. Good luck with your studies!

a year ago

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