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What happens if I'm unable to take my scheduled AP exam?

So I'm a bit anxious because there's a family event that might clash with my AP exam dates. What's the usual protocol if I miss my AP exam? Is there a way to reschedule, or do I lose out on the opportunity to earn college credit?

a year ago

I understand your concern about a potential schedule conflict with your AP exams. It's important to have a game plan. If you're unable to take your AP exam on the originally scheduled date, the College Board provides late testing dates, commonly referred to as 'make-up' exams, for valid reasons such as a scheduled conflict or illness.

You should reach out to your AP Coordinator as soon as possible to discuss your situation. They can give you information on how to apply for a late exam and on what documentation, if any, you might need to provide. The late testing dates usually occur in the following weeks after the initial test dates. It's worth noting that not all exams may be available during the make-up sessions, so verifying with your AP Coordinator is key.

Keep in mind that there's an additional fee for late testing unless the reason for the conflict falls under certain exceptions, such as school events, religious observances, or significant personal circumstances. Also, remember that earning college credit is still possible with the scores from the late testing. However, it's crucial to stay informed about the deadlines and the process by talking with your AP Coordinator. It's better to prepare for this well ahead of time to avoid any last-minute stress. Rest assured, there is a protocol in place if you can't take the AP exam on the scheduled day.

a year ago

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