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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does MSU have a minimum GPA requirement for admission?

Hi y'all, I'm getting my application ready for Michigan State University and I'm a bit stressed about my GPA. What's the lowdown on their GPA requirements? Does it vary by program?

a year ago

Michigan State University doesn't specify a minimum GPA requirement for admission. They do, however, engage in a thorough review of your academic performance as part of a competitive admissions process. This means your GPA will be one of the critical factors evaluated, although not the sole criterion. It's important to show a strong academic record in the context of your high school's offerings. For example, students admitted to MSU typically have a high school GPA range between 3.5 and 4.0.

Bear in mind, some programs at Michigan State may be more selective, and therefore students admitted into these programs might have higher GPAs on average. It's a good idea to aim for the best GPA possible within your school's highest-level courses to strengthen your application. If you have specific concerns about your GPA, remember that your personal essays, letters of recommendation, and extracurricular involvements can also weigh significantly in your application review.

a year ago

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