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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's necessary to get into UNA?

Hello everyone, I'm sort of stressing out about the whole admissions process. Can anyone provide info on UNA's admissions? What are the crucial things they look for in applications?

6 months ago

When considering admissions at UNA (University of North Alabama), there are a handful of factors that play an important role. To be a competitive applicant, these are some key elements to keep in mind:

1. Academic Achievement: Your GPA and standard test scores (if you choose to submit them as UNA is test-optional) play a significant role. UNA suggests a minimum 2.25 GPA for in-state students and a 2.5 GPA for out-of-state students.

2. High School Curriculum: Admission officers will look at the courses you've taken in high school. They look for a rigorous curriculum that includes four units of English, math, natural and social science courses, and two units of foreign language.

3. Engagement Outside of Class: Anything from sports to community service to part-time work can play into the admissions decision – colleges want diverse, enthusiastic individuals who bring more than just good grades to their campus.

4. Personal Statement/ Essay(s): If applicable, your personal statement is your chance to differentiate yourself from other applicants. It should give more insight into your values, aspirations and how you'll contribute to the university community.

5. Letters of Recommendation: While not explicitly required by UNA, a well-written recommendation from a teacher or counselor who knows you well can provide the admissions team with valuable insight into your character and potential for success.

Remember to double-check the specific requirements on UNA's official website or reach out to their admissions office for information tailored to your situation. Every student's application is unique, and understanding the specifics will alleviate some of your stress. Good luck with your application!

6 months ago

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